Our Classrooms

Infants and Toddlers

Children birth to 3 years of age follow an individualized curriculum and schedule. Infants eat and sleep on demand and receive lots of attention as they grow and develop. Toddlers follow a daily routine that includes stories, songs, sensory and art activities. Children are supported as needed, and given lots of encouragement as they learn new skills.

Childcare with Preschool
(3 to 5 year olds)

Children in this classroom follow a daily routine that includes large and small group activities and free exploration that encourages your child to develop the skills needed for success in kindergarten. Activities are planned using the Creative Curriculum model. This is a research based, child centered curriculum. Reading and Math readiness is stressed throughout our day. Children participate in outdoor activities daily and field trips are utilized to enhance the program at times.

GSRP Classroom

Our Great Start Readiness Program classroom runs 5 days per week and follows the calendar of our local school district. This is a state funded, high quality preschool experience for children who are 4 on September 1 or turns four by December first.

For the 2024 ~2025 school year

we are offering choice of 4 half days or 5 full day

School Age Program

Children may attend before and after school from Young 5's to 4th grade. 5th and 6th graders are allowed to continue in our program on days they attend school for before school care only. We are unable to transport after school. Care is available on non school days for children who are currently attending for before and after care. Drop in care for non school days is available as space allows to children who previously attended our programs.

The school age classroom is customized to accommodate the children enrolled each year. Children help plan activities and field trips and make decisions about what we want to learn and do during non-school times.